December 20, 2018

Slice of Life | A Christmas Photo

Oh, the wondering we can do just from looking at a photo!

I'm looking at a photo that showed up in the last year or so, but I can't remember who gave it to me or where I found it. 

I am wondering when this photo was taken!

I am playing Scrabble with Grammie, Uncle Harry and Kristi.

It's after high school as I can see my grad photo from 1986 on the piano.

It's not 1989, because I have a photo of all the ladies with James on the couch from that Christmas gathering. The date is marked on the back. (Dad was right! He always said it was important to record the dates on photos.)

It's not before 1989, because Kristi looks older than she was in the couch photo.

I think I am wearing a grey sweatshirt from Eastern Nazarene College. It had ENC stitched on in large collegiate lettering, which means the photo couldn't have been taken in 1990. I moved to Boston to go to ENC in 1991. 

I was married just after Christmas in 1993. I think Kristi looks younger than she was at our wedding.

I'm guessing the year is 1991 or 1992.

But maybe it isn't my ENC sweatshirt. I don't see my grad photo from Mount Allison University on the piano. Maybe it is 1990 and Mom doesn't have it up yet? 

Oh, the wondering we can do just from looking at a photo!

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