March 22, 2015

Slice of Life Challenge 15 | grad ring

When Jim was in high school, he gave his grad ring to his girlfriend to wear. She lost it. Almost 30 years later, a high school friend contacted Jim through Facebook saying someone had his ring and was looking for him. Way back when, a gentleman found the ring in the lost & found of a restaurant where he worked. His wife noticed the initials and the high school name. Time got away on them and they moved a number of times, but they kept the ring with them, thinking someday they would find the owner. Through conversations on Facebook, they found Jim and they mailed the ring to us in Canada. Hard to believe it was returned after so many years! How thoughtful of them! Side note: Jim, if I had been your girlfriend in high school, I would never have lost your ring! Wink!


  1. Oh my word, this is a crazy story! It's amazing really. How great to be reunited with his ring after all these years! Wow.

    BTW, love your ending! (wink wink)

  2. Holy cow! Now that's a fun story! I guess Facebook can reunite more than people. What a story the ring could tell over all these years.

    1. So true, Elsie! What a story it could tell!

  3. Jim is a lucky boy, I bet he knows it, too!

  4. What a great story. I love the ending!

  5. Wow..this is an amazing story! When I see things lost, then I wonder if they'll ever find their owner. What a hopeful story for those who still await the return of something.

  6. How cool is this! I love this little snippet!

  7. Wink! How amazing. What a circular journey that ring has traveled. On a side note, I always scroll the comments and notice your beautiful L. Then today I see your name, Loralee. My name is Laura Lee. We are name soulmates. Happy slicing!

    1. Thank you for being here, Laura Lee! Great name! :0)

  8. How fortunate to get the ring back. I wonder who the girlfriend was?

  9. What a wonderful surprise! And I love the wink! I know you weren't feeling week a few days ago, so I hope you are feeling better


Thank you for being here.