March 4, 2021

Sharing Our Stories | half price mix-up

While in the aisle of a second-hand store, I overheard a customer ask,

   "Is everything in the store half price?"

The young clerk putting books on the shelves said,

   "Yes, everything has a price."

"Even the framed pictures?"

   "Yes, everything has a price."

They thought they understood each other, but they were not talking about the same thing.

Later, as I was waiting for my daughter, I saw a man walk to the counter with a large framed picture and his wife joined him. I had not seen the woman earlier, but I thought, "Uh Oh! It is probably the same woman from the conversation!"

He was told it was not half price. 

(There were also signs in the store saying what was half price.)

To his wife, he said, "I told you. But I thought you asked." 

She replied,  "I did ask."

The events during this trip to the second-hand store reminded me of how easy it is for us to get things mixed up in the most innocent way and then pass that information on.

It may be about something as small as a sale in a second-hand store or something bigger.


  1. I've been part of a mix-up like this today. Wasn't fun, but your post helped me stop and reconsider from the other point of view.

  2. Your words made me think. Especially these words: "Yes, everything has a price."

  3. It can be so easy for miscommunications to occur. I have also been part of misunderstandings such as this.

  4. Listening closely is key. So easy to misinterpret a simple statement.

  5. Quite often I get involved in misunderstandings. I think I do have trouble listening. I jump ahead to what I'm going to say next. XO

  6. I love the power of this slice. I love that you captured it and shared it. One day I hope I can write as powerfully with as few words as you.


Thank you for being here.