December 3, 2018

akr inspired | 99

My cousin, Glenda, was home this week, and she learned something about our great grandmother while out shopping with my mom. I asked if I could share her story here.


During a recent visit to the Mission Thrift StoreI purchased a pencil case, handmade by a person with the last name “Horsman”.  Later that day, my aunt, who was shopping with me, recognized a couple she knew in the parking lot of another store, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Horsman.  This led to a conversation about the pencil case and its possible origin.

As they conversed, I shared that our great grandmother was Viola Horsman, wife of Noble Lutes. Mrs. Gordon Horsman, realized she knew her as “Mrs. Noble” and proceeded to share this beautiful story:

Mrs. Gordon Horsman’s father was the pastor of a local Baptist church. She remembers our great
grandmother and her sister, Hazel, always sitting in the last pew. As a young girl, Mrs. Horsman was very conscious of a “crooked” front tooth and didn’t like to show it. One Sunday morning, when she was leaving the sanctuary, which meant passing by the sisters, “Mrs. Noble" said to her, "You have the smile of an angel."

Mrs. Horsman then spoke these words, smiling unabashedly, "It’s amazing how a few words can change a person’s life."

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