April 7, 2018

akr inspired | 71

"Hey Mom, I noticed something the other day. Suri, go to the next song."

The next song comes on as he leans closer to the screen in the car.

"What? Is that how it works?"

He says it again.

"Next song."

The next song comes on.

Then I try it.

The next song comes on.

Ethan goes in the store and I try again, but it doesn't work.

Maybe I'm not saying it right.

Ethan returns and says, "Turn volume down."

Volume turns down.

"What? That's crazy! I didn't know it worked that way."

After a few more successful commands and me giggling in disbelief that this is possible, I notice Ethan's hand resting on the controls between the seats of the car.

I was definitely bamboozled!

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