March 10, 2015

Slice of Life Challenge 10 | a date

My class has been learning how to write persuasive letters. Today I shared how I want to go to a movie with Jim and I wrote a letter to him with my reasons. We giggled together as I wrote! 

For one of my reasons, I drew a sad face and wrote that it had been a long time. At the end of our workshop, a little boy came to me and showed me his letter. It is one of the sweetest things I have ever read (or been asked).

Der MisD Doo you want to cum on a dat if your dad will let you i will asep.


Dear Mrs. D,

Do you want to come on a date?

If your dad will let you, I will accept.


  1. Thanks for the share! I love how students often surprise us!

  2. That is so stinking cute! We are in that phase with our oldest and their letters are so sweet!

  3. Aw, that is too sweet! Show that to Jim ... he'll take you on that movie date!

  4. Replies
    1. He was so excited to show it to me! Adorable.
      Thanks for being here, Dana.

  5. Oh my gosh - that's the sweetest thing!!! It reminds me of that wonderful phase in little kids' lives when they want to marry their mom or dad. ;-) It's such a fleeting stage - we have to enjoy it!

  6. So sweet! I love it! I'd go with him in a heartbeat! :)


Thank you for being here.