November 4, 2014

Slice of Life | Not What I Had Pictured


There's a story about the first time our favorite photographer, Daniel St. Louis, came to the house to take photos of Annie. I was working so my parents were home with her. I left clothing for him to choose from and told my mom, who was worrying, not to worry. 

When the photos arrived, Annie was bare in all of them but this one! I was shocked!

Mom said, "You told us he would know what he was doing!"

While not what I had pictured, they did turn out beautiful...and I did laugh about it...later!


  1. What is it about naked babies that photographers love? That's a funny story. I can imagine your surprise when you opened the envelope.

  2. I believe it is funnier now than it was back then.

    1. Your comment just made me laugh! You are so right!

  3. I love the expression on her face!

  4. What a beautiful picture! I'll be the others are just as wonderful. :)


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