October 1, 2024

family music 182 | Sometimes


- March 25, 2023 -


I sill haven't shared her sweet song about
feelings with my kindergarteners,
but I can imagine them giggling
over the underwear part!

August 29, 2024

family music 181

When Annie and I walked into the Mullen Heritage Center at Beulah, Rev. Sheila McCrea MacCallum was looking through Dad's scrapbook.

(The theme for the summer is music and Dad, who was a song evangelist with the Reformed Baptist Church, had shared a number of items for their display. Sheila was one of the evangelists he worked with when he travelled full-time in the 1960's.)

It was wonderful timing and we enjoyed hearing her stories.

She shared one from when they were in revival meetings at Elmwood Church of the Nazarene on Prince Edward Island. It brought tears to my eyes.

Dad was singing the song "Jesus Will Never Say No" as he played the organ.

(She sang the chorus of the song in that moment.)

In the middle of the song, he stopped singing and playing. He put his head down on his hands and in tears, he spoke the words, "Jesus will never say no."

Sheila said she felt led to stand up and have an altar call. People went forward.

Dad's heart is still so tender when he sings and talks about his Jesus.

August 23, 2024

Counting Blessings

summer moments with friends

   birthday breakfast with Lisa

   secondhand shopping and lunch with Natalie

   annual Shediac outing with Yada

summer moments with family

   puzzles and games

   yard sales


   watching the Olympics

   meals together

   visiting on the cottage porch

   being in Vancouver with Eliza

summer moments alone



   swinging on the porch


   wake-up days with not having to go anywhere

August 19, 2024

akr inspired | 704

When Annie was a little girl, she wondered if ducks had ears. We sent the question in to the magazine, Reader's Digest and it was featured. She also received a book.

The other day Annie remembered and with a grin, she said, 

   "I guess I was destined to be an audiologist with that duck question."

August 17, 2024

August 15, 2024

akr inspired | 702

Because of Two Writing Teachers, I started this blog eleven years ago. While it has been a long time since I've posted with the Slice of Life community, I'm grateful for the encouragement I was given.

1. They encourage teachers to write. When we are writing, we can better help and understand our students.

2. They encourage community. They read each other's words and share comments that touch the heart.

3. They encourage people to tell their everyday stories. To have the words written down is a wonderful gift to ourselves and to our families for years to come.