November 26, 2020

Sharing Our Stories | ruth's words

[Our stories] belong to the Lord, and He wants to use them to inspire and strengthen and encourage and make the world a better place. - Ruth Ayres

Since I was young, I've collected quotes. I used to write them down in journals, but then I started a blog called, Little House on the Ridge. It's where I save them now.

I have a collection of quotes by Ruth started there. About 12 years ago, I met her through Two Writing Teachers and I have loved reading Ruth's words ever since. God has used her stories to inspire and strengthen and encourage many.

Sharing Our Stories


  1. I don't think she will ever fully understand how she has impacted so many lives. How smart of you to collect words.

  2. I agree that Ruth's words are gems to keep. The words you write are precious too.

  3. Her words are beautiful, and this quotation is so very good. I just checked out Little House on the Ridge, and I love it. What a brilliant idea for holding on to inspirational words!

  4. Thank you for your kindness and constant encouragement. You always seem to know just the right time to hand my words back to me.


Thank you for being here.