June 8, 2018

Slice of Life | Caring Friends

The kids came inside at the morning bell.

I looked at O and she had blood above her eye and running down her cheek.

Just before the bell, the chain of the swing had hit her.

O was calm, and beside me, A started telling me what happened. Tears were rolling down her face as she felt responsible for her friend getting hurt.

I hugged them both, asked my other little ones to head into class with the resource teacher from next door, and took O to the office.

O was a trooper as we got her all cleaned up. I said she was brave and she responded with, "Well, I cried some outside."

After calling her mom, who was coming to pick her up, I told her that I would send her book bag up with someone. O asked, "Can you have A do it?"

It made me teary because I knew why she wanted it to be A.

I returned to my classroom to find my little ones creating things to give to O.

A took the bag to the office and later I learned what O said when she got there.

"I'm okay, A. I'll be back on Monday. We'll play together."

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