November 29, 2016

Slice of Life | Sick Kid

When Ethan woke up in the wee hours with coughing and a sore throat (again), I gave him cold medicine. As my 14-year-old walked back up stairs to bed, I thought about the old days when I needed to be home with him on a sick day. I miss being here for the "quiet-pajama-movie watching-nap filled-waiting on them" days.


  1. I hope he feels better! What a sweet post!

  2. I hope he feels better! I hear you, those sweet days are coming to an end for me soon. They just grow up way to fast, don't they?

  3. I had the SAME moment this morning with my 11 year old. He stayed home and said, it's okay, go to work. We will both be in and out of the house all day (my husband and I), but I would prefer to cuddle up on the couch with him and some hot chocolate.

  4. Those days were nice, I agree. Hope he's better soon!

  5. Oh what a SWEET reminder of little kids and colds....but I also the remember of needing sub the days before the internet...and of hoping the cold will run its course quickly!

  6. Oh. We are nearing the end of these days. This is a beautiful reminder to savor the moments. And I'm getting all the sick days this year. (Hopefully it's not a lot, but I get them all!)

  7. Poor guy! I hope he's better. I do love those surprise sick days with my girls. Lots of cuddling. I'll miss that, but I'm going to savor it right now. :)


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